创始人兼首席创意官范耀威(Adams),戛纳国际创意节金狮奖获得者,入选Campaign杂志2016年中国数字达人榜(China’s Digital A-List),前DDB上海执行创意总监。个人微信公众号:小a乱弹。
2017年,凭借与百度合作的“记忆眼镜(Know You Again)”项目,F5获得戛纳国际创意节(Cannes Lions)2银1铜、釜山国际广告节(AD STARS)1银1铜、亚洲创意节(Spikes Asia)1银1铜等国际奖项的肯定。
Founded in 2016, F5 is an independent creative agency that combines technology and human insights to create heartfelt stories.
As the Founder and Chief Creative Officer of F5, Adams Fan (Fan Yaowei) is a Cannes Lions gold award winner, named by 2016 China’s Digital A-List (Campaign Magazine), and is former Executive Creative Director of DDB Shanghai.
In 2017, with “Know You Again” project collaborated with Baidu, F5 has won international awards including 2 silver and 1 bronze lions at Cannes Lions, 1 silver and 1 bronze at AD STARS, and 1 silver and 1 bronze at Spikes Asia, etc.
Until now, F5 has worked with brands including Baidu, Ant Financial, Tencent, Starbucks, Chando, etc.

